Friday morning KJ and I woke up to our first snow of the year. We got a pretty heavy dusting. It was Colby-Jack's first time really seeing snow. He was born at the end of February, but I don't think he was old enough to really see it before it all melted this spring. He didn't seem to mind the snow. I think he was more interested in eating it than anything! By lunch time it was all melted and hasn't been back since. I'm sure we'll see it back perminatly very soon.
Friday was also my first day of food aversions. It started out just mainly as sweets. I usually love cookies, but I couldn't even stand to look at the chocolate chunk cookies KJ bought me. :( I felt bad. Then on Saturday, I added meat to the yuck-o list. Or at least processed meat. We had chicken nuggets for dinner and they tasted pretty gross. Sunday fruit got a little iffy, but I think it's ok now. This morning I pretty much didn't want to eat any thing. The only thing that sounds good right now are carbs and occasionally cheese. Ugh... I can't wait until the first tri is over!
Today is also the first day I feel like I could actually throw up. Yuck! It's probably party my food aversions fault, since I haven't felt like eating anything. They say you feel worse when you don't eat, so I've been munching on popcorn. No puking yet, but ginger ale has definitely been my bestie today. I think I might try going to 5 or 6 small meals a day insted if my regular 3 big ones. I've been feeling incredibly bloated after eating lately and I seem to feel better just snacking.
The only thing about snacking, though, is I'm afraid I'm going to give myself away at work. I sit at the back of a room by the kitchenette with three other people. Every time I have to go to the bathroom (which has been a lot lately) I have to walk by every one. Every time someone goes to the kitchen (which is pretty often) they have to walk by me and can see everything I'm doing. Maybe I'm just paranoid! I don't mind my supervisor knowing I'm pg (I havn't told her yet) because she knows about my losses and she's very discrete with personal matters. She actually recommended my OB to me when I was looking for a new one. The other people I work with, though, are very , umm, not discrete. They are in your face, let's talk about every little detail, kind of people. I don't want them knowing anything about my losses, or being pg, or anything else until I'm much further along. Ugh, this is going to be difficult... Any suggestions on sneaky snacking??
Lots of Love,
I work with the same kind of people! I would suggest keeping things that you can eat in your desk. If you are munching on popcorn, make it at home, put it in a gallon ziplock bag and just keep it at your desk, that way you don't have to pop it at work and it won't be as obvious. Try breakfast bars, fruit (if your aversion has gone away completely), or anything else that doesn't need to be heated or kept cool. With my pregnancy, all I wanted was fruit and veggies. Meat was just nasty to me (and normally that is the complete opposite).
ReplyDeleteI hope you get to feeling better and that things continue smoothly for you!