Friday, September 7, 2012

Working Mom

Well, my first week back to work is finally over. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought I would be crying at my desk all day on Tuesday, but it was an ok day. I dropped Lexi off at MIL's in the morning and got her all settled in. I got choked up when I had to leave her and cried a little in the car, but pulled it together by the time I got to work. It was a pretty uneventful day, which I was glad about. I only got to pump twice, though, because it took forever to get an answer as to where I could go. Man, was I engorged by the time I got home! Ouch!! MIL lives right up the road from where I work, so I got to see Lexi on my lunch break. I love that girl so much!

Now that I don't see Lexi constantly throughout the day I can really tell how quickly she's growing. I love seeing her change and develop new skills, but it also makes me sad. I feel like I'm missing a lot being at work. It's only temporary... I have to keep reminding myself that.

Boy, this working mom stuff makes life very busy! I get up at 5:30 (sometimes at 5 depending on how Lexi is sleeping) get dressed, do my hair and make up, eat breakfast, grab and stuff any diapers I have in the dryer, clean my pump flanges from over night, pack up my pump, make sure Lexi's bag is together, grab my lunch and her bottles, fed the cats and clean the litter. Then at 6:20 if she isn't already up, wake Lexi up, get her dressed, changed, and fed, let the dogs out and get their kongs together, get everything in the car and be on the road to MIL by 7:10. We get to MIL's at 7:30 and I have a few minuets to spend with Lexi before I have to go. Back on the road to work at 7:50. Get to work at 8. Pump at 9. Pump at 11. Eat lunch at my desk at 12. Go back up to MIL's at 1 to fed and spend time with Lexi. MIL usually has either Fox news or the Kardashians on TV (yeah, figure that combo out!). Back at work by 2. Pump at 3. KJ picks Lexi up at 4:30 on his way home from work. If he has to work late I pick her up when I leave work at 5. Get home around 5:30. First thing, throw the diapers in the wash. Then make dinner and fed Lexi, the dogs, and cats. By 7 go out for a run with or with out her, depending on what KJ is doing. Put the diapers in the dryer. At 8 we start bedtime routine with a bath every other night, then nighttime diaper, pj's, eats, and rocking. She's usually out by 8:45 or 9. After that, I make up mine and KJ's lunches for the next day, wash bottles and pumping things, make up Lexi's bottles for the next day, get diapers from the dryer and fold, pack up her bag with fresh burp cloths, clothes, and diapers, clean up the kitchen a little, take a shower, dry my hair and get in bed between 10 and 10:30. Lexi usually wakes up around 2 to eat and is back to sleep by 3. Wake up at 5:30...

I'm exhausted just typing that out. I'm living for the weekend more than ever now!

Lots of Love,


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