Thursday, August 21, 2014

20 Weeks! Half Baked!!

We are half way there already! This is going so fast!! I'm feeling good physically and I'm happy to have reached thesis milestone. My belly has grown exponentially. I look like I'm 6 or 7 months, instead of 5. Because of all the growth my belly has been sore a lot in the evenings. It's starting to get hard to bend over already. I've stated to ever so attractive pregnancy squat to pick things up off the floor. I wasn't expecting to have to do that for a while still. I'm much bigger already than I was last time. 

5 months!

Comparison pic: 20w with Lexi (pink) vs 20w with baby boy... I'm huge! Lol

Maternity clothes are a struggle right now. Nothing fits right. I found some small jeans on eBay for a good price and they fit well when I tried them on. But the first time I wore them out I hated them. I'm disappointed. They were hard to move in and they cut into my belly at the bottom while still sagging down in the back. I joked about it before, but I think I'm really just going to wear yoga pants for the rest of this pregnancy! 

18w in my new mat jeans... Too bad I hate them!

KJ and I have been doing more work on the nursery. The room is all cleaned out now. I primed the dresser and painted the book shelf. I need to get some feet for the shelf and new hard wear for the dresser. I need to get KJ priming the walls. I really want to get all the painting done while the weather is warm so I can do the small things outside and we can air things out when he paints inside. 

How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain: I don't even want to admit to this one. I'm up 13lbs *hides head in shame* My original goal was to be at 6lbs at 20w so I would be free to gain a pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy and I'd end up right at my end goal of 25lbs. Well, the best laid plans... Granted, my belly really grew a lot this month, but 9lbs in 4 weeks! Ugh. Not what I wanted to see :( I know this gain is for the best reason there is, but it's really hard watching the scale go up. I was over weight all though school up until I graduated college, and I worked really hard to get to where I am/was. But I keep telling myself I lost all 47lbs after Lexi, I can and will do it again.

Maternity clothes? I don't even want to talk about clothes right now. I'm so over them!

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Sleeping well most nights. I can't lay on my back any more, so every night I try to focus on laying on my side. I usually wake up at least once on my back, though :/

Best moment this month: Finding out that we're having a boy!!! I'm so excited!

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back and clothes that fit.

Movement: Yes! I finally started feeling little kicks around 17 weeks. I found out at our a/s that I have an anterior placenta this time, so that explains it a little. I mostly feel kicks on the sides and bottom. Baby boy still loves to kick my bladder.

Food cravings: Soy milk, tomato sauce 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Cereal and milk. This is Lexi breakfast of choice right now and it's better if I eat the same thing she does or else she wants whatever I have and not her own. Blah

Gender prediction: I was right! Boy!!

Labor Signs: none

Symptoms: My ever growing belly, shortness of breath. I'm starting to really slow down, I get really tired after I run.

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time. I gave into my no caffeine rule and now I feel like a whole new person! Lol

Looking forward to: Reaching v-day next month!

Next app: Sept 8 for a check up

Lots of Love,

And a cute Lexi pic :)


  1. Hope you're hanging in there ~ just a little while longer to go :)
    And as always, Alexis looks so darn adorable!

  2. Thanks! Things are going well. I know I've been awful about updating the blog lately. Big updates to come! I hope you're doing well!!

    1. Oh I'm just as busy ;) I'm needing to work on my blog too - 2u2 is definitely an adventure, but my DS2 is six months now, and actually lets me put him down for ten minutes a day, so I should be able to work on stuff soon . . . I love the quarterly updates for Lexi, I should do the same for my guy, since yeah, monthly updates are better saved for the infant ;)

      I love to browse your blog, and I really like Lexi's Anna dress <3
