Woo hoo!
To recap the saga: when we started IF testing at the beginning of October my doctor tested me for chicken pox, as a routine thing they check for. It came up positive, even though I didn't have any symptoms. I had it rechecked a few weeks later and it came up positive a second time. Shortly after that I found out I was pg again and then it became a whole new ball game. Chicken pox while pg can be all kinds of bad (birth defects and other scary complications). I saw an infectious diseases doctor at the beginning of November who didn't spiciaze in pg women. She basically told me, "Well you're pg now so I can't do anything for you!". I had it check a third time a couple weeks ago and I'm still postitive...
Well, long story short I saw a MFM doctor today at McGee Women's Hospital. She was very nice and said that the test my OB was using (testing for IgM) is notorious for getting false positives. She consulted with a different infectious diseases doctor who specializes in pg women (also at McGee) and they went over all of my labs in depth. They're both very confident I've been getting false positives and do not have chicken pox! Yay!
It feels so good to get this resolved and not have to worry about it any more!
Since KJ and I had taken the whole day off work, we decided to make our time in the city worth while and went to Ikea. Love! We browsed the baby section and saw so many things I want to get! If we have a boy we're planning on a jungle themed nursery and if it's a girl we'll do a garden theme. They have these big canopy-like leafs that I just love!
We also looked at the cribs and dresser/ changing table combos. Our future nursery is a pretty small room, so non-bulky and duel purpose pieces are a must. It seems like all the cribs at Target and BRU are these huge tanker things. I mean, I definitely want something sturdy, but I feel like you can still have that without all the bulk. That's why I like the Ikea ones. It doesn't look like there's much to them, but they feel really sturdy and durable.
Hensvik crib
(I can't believe I'm debating about cribs! I'm only 9 weeks! Crazy girl KJ's coming out again!)
Lots of Love,
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