Monday, May 23, 2011

Good Day Sunshine

I guess I haven't written in a while (or that's what it seems like, anyways). Probably because I haven't been feeling down lately! I've been feeling really good and really hopeful. So much has happened, but it's been mostly really great. I guess I'll start with the most resent and work my way back.

"Today is never too late to be bran new"

The weather was beautiful this weekend! After what seemed like months of nothing but rain, we finally had some sun. KJ and I were able to get a lot done in the yard. There's still more to do, but at least we've made progress. I really hope it's nice next weekend, too, (memorial day) so we can get some of the big things done. We have a "cabaƱa" (a patio with a roof over it) that has outdoor carpet on it currently and it's gotten really gross. We want to pull that up, power wash the concrete under it, and re-paint it a tan-ish color. We also have to power wash the deck and re-stain it, same with the pool deck. So much to do...

Sunday we went to church and had a much better experience than last time. In the bulletin there was a flyer for the next town over's Memorial Day events. They are having a fun run 5k. When KJ saw it he got really excited and was like, "You should totally do this!!" It's only a week away and he wants me to run a 5k! Yikes! I've been running on and off for months, but not steadily and not long distance. I told him I would give it my best shot, though. I went to the park where I could map out 3.2 miles. I tried, but I could make it the whole way running. I felt like such a fail. I'm going to try again tonight and hopefully I'll make it further. We'll see...

Friday, May 20 was Tucker's 2nd birthday. I can't believe he's two already! He is such a good dog and I love him to death.

My work has a program where it will cover a cretin percentage of medical bills on top of what insurance covers. I got two big checks on Monday and Friday of last week. They were for all of the B/W, the U/S, the chest x-ray, and a few of the tests I had done last month. It's such a relief to have the money now to pay these bills. They were really starting to pile up there for a while. God has really taken care of us!

Monday started out really good. I got my first AF since September!! I was so excited! FINALLY time to TTC! Then, I had my F/U appointment, and we all know how well that went. As I said before, we will not be waiting yet another cycle. I'm not going to let that douchebag get me down any more. I need to be hopeful. I need to be able to try again. We're planning on starting FWP on Thursday. Can't wait!

"It's simple, but some how letting go is the hardest part."

Last Sunday, May 15 we picked up our new furbaby, Colby-Jack. He's such a cutie! We've had him for a little over a week now, and I'm completely in love. He's not quite there with the potty training, but he starting to pick somethings up. He can sit and is starting to recognize his name. He's so different than Tucker was at that age. Tucker was a huge chewer and chased the cats a lot, but he caught on to the potty training really quickly and was super focused. Colby has really only been chewing on the toys and hasn't had much interest in the cats, but he's had a number of accidents and gets distracted pretty easily.

Lots of Love,

Monday, May 16, 2011

Carry You There

"I'll be waiting to carry you there..."

Today was my follow up app from my D&C. The only good news is that I never have to see my doctor again! I am free to switch doctors as I please now. I took my charts in for him to look at. Basically what it boiled down to was that my year+ of charting really doesn't have much weight now that I've had the D&C. I understand that your cycle can change after, but even this month I still had a 10 day LP, like normal. He said that he's not going to worry about it until it happens the next two cycles. I feel like that's all he ever tells me! "Let's wait and see what happens."

"And I waited for you... Run, run, runway. Maybe some day I will find someone, too..."

He said that he wouldn't refer me to a RE (even though I didn't ask to be) until a few more cycles. He did give me the name of the one in the area to call if I want, "because you seem so impatient." That really ticked me off. I guess I was being a little pushy with my charts, but I'm not impatient. I'm just not willing to sit around another four months for him to decide to do something. I'm just trying to be proactive.

Also, at one point he said I have one more cycle until we're "good to go." I just gave him a look and said, "that's not what you said before!" Then he told me that what he really meant when he said to wait one cycle, was to wait one cycle after my first AF. Bull effing sh!t! Yeah, sorry doc, I will not be waiting yet another cycle.

By the end of the of the appointment, I was pretty annoyed. He tried to lighten the mood by saying, "Maybe one of these days we'll get you to smile!" All I could say was, "Well maybe one of these days you'll give me some good news!" I really don't care that it was a rude thing to say.

"I don't care what you say. I don't have use for your words anyway."

After I got out of there I was so upset. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to drink. I wanted to do something that hurt. I just started driving. I ended up at a near by park that has a walking trail, and I ran...

"It's alright. It can get too much to handle by yourself. But if you can't do it alone I know you will say, 'I don't know what's at stake, or what it takes'... I'll be waiting with my bare back, to care you there."

I ran as fast as I could for a while and then slowed down to a steady pace. It hurt, but it felt so good. I really need to get rid of all the adrenaline that had built up during the appointment, I hate confrontation. I needed the catharsis. I'm defiantly going to be running more often.

"I'll be waiting to carry you there"

I don't think I want to call the RE, I just want a doctor who takes my concerns seriously. I want one that I actually like seeing and that I don't feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack every time I have to go in. I think what I'm going to do is make an app with my GP. I like her and trust her, and I'm over due for my annual anyway. Hopefully she can recommend a nice OB.

"It's simple, but some how, letting go's the hardest part."

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Positive Things Happen to Positive People

I need to start making a conscious effort to be happier. Yesterday DH and I got into a pretty big fight. We went to church in the morning. It was the first time we've gone since Christmas eve. I haven't wanted to go and DH hasn't pushed to go, so we just haven't. There's a church softball team that he played on last year, though, and he wanted to play again this year. You have to be a "regular attender" to be eligible so we went mainly for that.

There was going to be a baby detection at the service and, honestly I thought I would be fine. I've seen them lots of times before, and there usually nothing to them. I defiantly wasn't expecting for them to show a slide show of the most beautiful baby girl you've ever seen with Phil Collins "You'll be in My Heart" playing under it. I tried to not look at the pictures. I put my head down and tried to focus on my program. I tried to go into my own little world and block the song out, but I couldn't. Tears welled up in my eyes and I couldn't hold them back. They streamed down my face. I told DH I couldn't stay, and I got up and left. He followed me out and we went home. I told him I was sorry for leaving like that and he got mad. He said he was embarrassed running out like that and that he doesn't want me to fall apart every time I see a baby.

We don't fight very often, and I really hate it when we do. We made up that night, so everything is ok now, but he really wants me to talk to someone about my sad feelings, and I really don't. DH is a very open person. He's very chatty and very much an open book. I am not. I like to keep things to myself and I don't like a lot of other people knowing my business. To him, talking about it is the thing to do, but to me it's the last thing I want to do. I mean, I have talked about my losses to him and the the bump ladies and I've blogged about it, but to him that apparently doesn't count. It's like he thinks, if I spill my guts to someone I'll all of a sudden get over everything and be happy-go-lucky Holly again. I feel like he thinks I should be over it by now. I don't think I'll ever be "over it". The truth is I don't want to be over it.

"I'm not going to try to forget. Maybe happiness is worth the chance of a bitter end."

Anyways so, I thought if I start making a conscious effort to act happier DH would drop the whole "you need to talk to someone or else" thing. I know he's just trying to help, but as I said, we are two different people.

"Here comes sun, here comes the sun, and I say, it's alright. The smiles returning the the faces, It seems like years since it's been here. Here comes the sun."

Lots of Love,