Thursday, August 29, 2013

14 Months

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 Lexi is 14 months old today and is getting to be such a big girl! She's still not saying any words, but her understanding of what we say has just exploded! I'll tell her, "Let's go upstairs and change your diaper." She walks over to the stairs and starts to climb up. Then once upstairs she sits down in our diaper changing spot! She totally understands what I'm saying and it's so cool! Also, when I tell her to say hi or by to someone, she waves. Her new thing is whenever I ask her a question like, "Lexi, where did I put my keys?" She puts her hands and arms up like "I don't know!" It's the cutest thing! She does lots of babbling and everything is still "da!". She'll point to something and say "da!" if she wants it or wants to know what it is. She's also a great helper. She helps when we pick up toys. She has discovered the kitchen cabinets and knows where her snacks are kept. She'll go in the pantry, grab her box of crackers, and bring it over to me. I'll get her one out, hand it to her, and then tell her to put the box back, please... And she does it! Smart, smart girl! 

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Lexi loves, loves books. She's constantly bringing me books to read to her. It's mostly the same ones over and over again, too. "Dear Zoo", "Caterpillar's Springtime Day", "I Love My Family", "Five Wriggly Wiggly Caterpillars", "My First Counting Book" (Little Golden books), and "The Poky Little Puppy" are some of her current favorites. Another Lexi obsession are bracelets, purses, and really anything she can put on her arm (right arm only, never her left). She also loves to carry around her Ikea step stool so she can climb up on things and has a seat wherever she goes. Best $3 I've spent! We've also been going to the playground after our daily run and she knows where everything is and has her favorite rides. 

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Some of Lexi's motor skill milestones this month have been stacking and building with blocks, pressing buttons (on her toys, my phone, the tv, her stuffed animals), and putting her sippy cup in the cup holder. She's also gotten more teeth! I forget if I said before, but she got her two middle top teeth on her birthday. Then about two weeks later she got her top right lateral incisor. And the middle of this month she got her bottom left lateral incisor. So, a total of 6 teeth so far. I keep waiting for the the other two incisors to come in. I was expecting them to come in in pairs, but I guess not.

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My sweet little Lexi is getting bigger by the day! I swear some morning I go into her room and am like, "you defiantly got bigger over night!"

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Lots of Love,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Summer Running

Since becoming a SAHM I've gotten to do a lot more running this summer and I love it! Lexi and I go to the park every morning. I run and she naps in the stroller, and everyone is happy. :) I've been doing 5k's throughout the summer and have even ventured into a couple 10ks. My first two ever! Very proud!

Here's a summery of my summer racing:

May 15 - "Run Like an Animal"      27:06
May 19 - "Mission of Love"            26:11 First in my age group
June 8 -   "Friends of Buhl Park"     25:19 Third in my age group
June 22 - "Summer Fest Sweat"      24:59 First over all woman! Only the second time I've ever won a race!
July 13 - "Run for Your Heart"        51:10 My first 10k! Third in my age group
July 14 - "Hermitage Arts Fest"       25:05 First in my age group
Aug 18 - Hamot Mayor's Cup"        51:02 My Second 10k! Second in my age group
Aug 24 - "Race at Piston's Place"    25:04 First in my age group and ran with Lexi in the stroller

Next up, I'm doing a 5k this weekend. Then in September I have both a 5k and another 10k. There's one 5K I have my eye on so far for Oct. I'm still not hitting the 5k time that I'd like to be at, but I guess I'm more concerned with mileage at this point. I've been doing between 6 and 7.5 miles each day (depending on how many times Lexi got up during the night haha!). My goal is to do a half marathon at some point, but I know it won't be this summer. The Pittsburgh half is in May every year. So, while I would love to be pregnant again with #2 by that point next year, if not I'll be training for a half. I know I can do the mileage. Back when I ran XC in HS we'd do 10 miles in practice, so really at that point, what's another 3? I just need to get myself back up, both physically and mentally, to doing that kind of mileage. And I know it's a few years down the road, but after (and I hope am blessed with) kid #2 I'd like to do a full marathon. But, that's a long term goal. Right now I'm really enjoying dabbling in the 10k's.

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

One Year Photo Shoot

Our one good friends from collage started her own photography business last year about this time and she has taken so many beautiful pictures of Lexi and our family. I love, love her work! If you are in the Pittsburgh area, please check her out because she's amazing!! Carry Harris Photography

Here are some of our beautiful pictures from Lexi's one year photo shoot!

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Lots of Love,

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lexi Pic Fix!

Yeah it's time for some out of this world adorableness... Get ready!

Momma finally got pigtails in my hair! Happy 4th of July!

Sitting under the apple tree with the pups.

Part of our Happy 1st Father's Day collage for KJ.

Here you go.

Just chillin' with Violet

Too tired to go on


Such a big girl at the aquarium!

Lots of Love,

Another Post About How Much I Love Yard Sales!

Haha! One of the many things I love about summer is it's yard sale season! We had our own yard sale a few weeks ago and did pretty well. We made about $100 which I was very pleased with (put that right into Lexi's collage fund!), and we got rid of a lot of junk, which I enjoyed even more! It's so freeing to just purge the house of a bunch of stuff we haven't even touched since our last yard sale 3 years ago. (I know because somethings still had price tags on them!) Oh, and to think about 3 years ago... I was fresh off my first loss. We had our sale a week after and I remember sitting there trying to run the sale, but all I could think was, "I'm not pregnant. I'm not pregnant. I'm not pregnant." 

That's also the weekend I met my one friend. We have an odd friendship/ acquaintance. I feel like we're pretty similar on the surface, but underneath it's weird. She tends to stand up for off the wall causes and is pretty "Fox Newsy". Which I'm very "NBC Newsy" if you catch my drift. Then there's also the fact that she's a FH (fertility hoe) and a wet pee stick waiver. (On a side note, I was watching Jeopardy the other night and one of the categories was "F.H.", as in things that FH could stand for. I was like, Fertility Hoe!!) Three days after she announce her first pregnancy, wet pee stick in hand, I found out I was pregnant again, too (loss #2). We had the same EDD and everything... But of course, today she has a two year old and I don't. Her and her DH are starting to try for #2 now and she actually complained to me the other day about how long it's taking... It's been two whole months and she's not pregnant yet... I mean, it only took one try to get KTFU the first time, so why is it taking so long now???? Yeah, I wanted to slapabitch...

But I digress...
$2.50 each!
Yeah, I love yard sales! Where else could I spend under $13 and get a whole grocery bag full of super nice clothes for Lexi to grow into? I was actually in need of 24m/2T sleepers for her and I priced them out at both Carter's and Children's Place. With free shipping and all the coupon codes I could find, it was still going to cost $50 for 5 sleepers... That's sooo expensive! Who pays that?? I don't think I've ever spent that much on pjs for myself! I actually didn't find any at the yard sales, but I did find some on eBay. I got 6 sleepers for $17 shipped. Higher than I'd pay at a yard sale, but not terrible.

Everything in this pic cost $12.75! Boo yeah!

I'm planning to go out yard saleing again this Friday. I love catching a good deal!

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

She Won't Always be This Small

She won't always be this small. She won't always want me to hold her. She won't always need me to hold her to go to sleep. She won't always want to be so close. She won't always crave a momma cuddle. She won't always need a snuggle throughout the day. She won't always be small enough to lay on my lap. She won't always be light enough to carry on my hip everywhere. She won't always be so small, and because of that I'll hold her now. I'll cuddle her, carry her, snuggle her, and keep her close because she won't always need me like she does right now.

Lots of Love,