Tuesday, April 29, 2014

22 Months!

Lots going on this month! Lexi big milestone this month is putting phrases and sentences together. It's usually three to four words. She loves to say "I kinga junga roar!" She got that from a Daniel Tiger episode. Data is starting to be quite the influence on her. A couple weeks ago she was watching an episode where Daniel makes strawberry pancakes with his dad. When KJ came home from work she ran to him and said "Daddy pank!" Then she pushed a chair over to the counter, grabbed his hand, pulled him over, climbed up on the chair, and looked at him like, "well, let's make pancakes!" So the two of them made blueberry pancakes for dinner. It was the cutest thing ever! 

Lexi loves to "pay side bit" (play outside for a bit). I got her her first real pair of sneakers for playing outside in. She grew out of her soft soul shoes during the winter, so now it's time for real shoes. She calls them her "pay shoes". She grabs her shoes and mine and sits down on the floor and says "Mommy pay side!" I got her some sandals, too, but I don't think she likes them very much. They're flip flop style with a strap on the back and she doesn't like the thing between her toes. 

Lexi also loves to wear necklaces. I gave her a couple in her Easter basket and she's been wearing them all the time. There's three of them, she wears the purple one, I have to wear the pink one, and KJ has to wear the blue one. It's really sweet. 

At the beginning of the month Lexi decided to self wean. I was sad for the first couple days, but after about a week I was ok with it. It was hard to close a chapter that had been such a big part of our lives, but I'm glad it was her decision. Since then she asks to nurse every now and then, but for the most part it's been an easy transition. 

Lots of Love,

Monday, April 28, 2014

A Sunny Day in April

BFP #4! I can't even believe it! I am pregnant again! It seems a little too good to be true!

So here is cycle #6 in review:

3/27 cd2 I had my app to talk about getting back to testing and my doctor agreed to cycle monitoring and some b/w.

3/28 cd3 blood work, which came back clear.

4/8 cd14 follie u/s, two on the left measuring 12.8 and 13.8mm. One on the right measuring 12.9mm.

4/10 cd16 follie u/s, left ones were the same. Right one grew to 15mm.

4/16 cd22 Ovulation day. Lots of pressure on the right.

4/21 cd27 KJ's SA

4/23 7dpo progesterone check 18.2 My doctor wanted it above 25.

4/25 9dpo Super surprised I made it past 8dpo!! Started on Critone 1x a day.

4/27 11dpo Super squinter on a FRER and a wondfo. Interestingly enough the wondfo was less squinty than the FRER.

4/28 12dpo For sure BFP!! Nice clear positive on both FRER and wondfo. Positive on a CBE digital! Went for 1st beta.

I'm so happy to be pregnant again! I'm hoping and praying that this LO sticks and we get to meet them on January 7, 2015. 

Please sick and grow LO!! Daddy, big sis, and I love you and are looking forward to meeting you!!

Lots of Love, 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Best Freakin Day Ever!!

I am on a streak of good luck like no other! I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I'll take it!!

* Last night I won both eBay auctions that I had my eye on. Between the two I got 3 brand new Kissaloves hemp/cotton fitteds for $29 shipped! They normally retail for $18 a piece! Hello new night time diapers!!  

* This morning I got my but out of bed early and went for an awesome run. 5 miles in 44 mins! 

* This morning I also fully expected to wake up to AF... But no sign of her yet! I'm 9dpo today!! That's crazy!! I don't even care about the BFN I got! If AF holds off until tomorrow, that will be the longest LP I've had in YEARS! 2010 before I got pg the second time is the last time I had a 9 day LP.

* Cotton Babies finally posted their Seconds Sale yesterday, but I was disappointed because they didn't have any 4.0s. But wait! They posted them this morning! 6 snap 4.0s and 3 velcro Flips ordered!! Baby shower gift ordering complete!

* After Lexi and I came out of story time this morning, it didn't start raining until after we were in the car!

* My order from The Nurture Center came in today. Supper fast shipping, and free at that! It just so happens that they made a mistake on my order. I order two 2oz bottles of California Baby Bug Repellent on clearance for $3.50 each. But they actually sent two 6.5oz bottles! That's 9oz FREE!! Jackpot! 

I know I'm pushing my luck, but it would be really nice if that BFN turned into a BFP tomorrow morning! 

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Testing a 5k Curtain

Wait... What?? Lol make that testing, a 5k, and new curtains. :)

Last Thursday (the 27th) I had an app with my OB and it went really well. I love my doctor and his staff! Seriously, it's like they know what I'm going to ask before I even get there. I have a new IF nurse this time around and she's really nice. She really knows what she's talking about. And actually, I remember she preformed Lexi's NT scan and was very informative. 

So, I took my charts in and my doctor and nurse agree that I either O late or have a weak O. The plan is to do cycle monitoring with some testing. I did cd3 b/w on Friday, I have a cd14 ultrasound on the 8th to check my follicles, and tentatively cd21 b/w to confirm O. But, since I don't O until cd20 usually, I'm expecting to need at least one more u/s before we do b/w. Then next cycle they want to do an SIS to check for scaring, polyps, and fibroids. Scheduling didn't work out to do it this cycle. They also want KJ to redo his SA. Last time his numbers were good, but he had high counts of white blood cells. He was supposed to have an app with a urologist, but then I got pg with Lexi, and he didn't want to go if he didn't have to. I'm waiting on a call back from the lab to schedule that. 

So that's the plan so far! I feel really good about it. I feel like we're another step closer to heathy baby #2. Back on the testing train we go! 

In other news, I ran my first 5k of the year on Saturday. It was a really small race, but I finished 8th overall, 3rd female. My time was 24:10 and for being the first one I've ran since Thanksgiving, I'm happy with my time. It's a good starting place for the year. The weather is finally getting nicer, so I think I'll be able to get back to running at the park with Lexi soon. Time to start getting my mileage back and shaving that time down! The next race I'm going to do is this Saturday.

The past couple weeks I've been working on new curtains for our front room. I had shears up, which I like, but KJ kept complaining that you could see in the windows at night. So I starting looking for something to replace the old valences I still had up, left by the previous owners. I never really liked them, but I couldn't find anything that I really liked enough to replace them with. 


I found some nice curtains on Overstock and thought about ordering them, but damn, curtains are expensive! I needed enough for six windows, and of corse you have to buy each panel separately at $30 each... That really adds up!! I just couldn't justify spending $200+ on something that's going to hang over the windows. So, in my google searches shower curtains kept coming up along with regular curtains and some of them were really pretty...

And then it hit me, BAM!! Shower curtains as window curtains!! Why hadn't I thought of that before? It seems so obvious now! We have a nice fabric shower curtain in our bathroom, why couldn't I hang one (or four) in the windows. They come in so many fun patterns and nice colors. They're the perfect size, 72x72, and they're soooo much cheaper than regular curtains. 

I found a nice curtain I really liked at Walmart and picked up two of them for the front four windows. I cut them down the middle and finished off the edges to make four panels. 

Then I folded over the top tab to make the rod pocket. They're about 6" short on either side, but I'm ok with it.


And yes... Yes that is snow you see outside...

I found another coordinating curtain at Target and got two of those for the side two windows. I folded the top tab over for the rod pocket, and the one side needed hemmed a bit. So, for under $75 I covered six windows and I'm really happy with how they all turned out! 

Lots of Love,