Sunday, July 29, 2012

One Month Old

My little Lexi is one month old today. I love watching her grow and change.


I may be a little biased, but I think I have the prettiest little girl out there!


Lots of Love,


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Today is Our Due Date!

I can't believe our EDD is here and I couldn't be more happy. I have a week old baby!

One last bump pic


Lots of Love,


Friday, July 6, 2012

Our First Week

Our first week with Lexi has been a blur! She was born last Friday morning and it seems like we've been in and out of the hospital ever since. Originally we were in for the standard three days and discharged on Monday. We were both doing pretty well at that point. Lexi's builliruben levels were elevated at 12, but not high enough to be too concerned at that point.

They sent out a home health nurse on Tuesday to recheck the builliruben and they came back at 16. Not exactly going down like we had hoped. On Wednesday, since it was the 4th, we had to go the the ER to get them rechecked. And of coarse, also because of the holiday, they lost our paperwork and our pedi was off so we had to talk to the on call pedi to authorize Lexi's blood test. What a mess! We finally got her test done and had just gotten home, I sat down to feed her and the phone rang. It was the on call pedi saying her levels were 19 and we needed to bring her back to the hospital for treatment.

So, back to the hospital we went and Lexi was put under the Billy lights. I can't even explain how hard it was to see her in the incubator. I was a complete mess. I couldn't stop crying. It was so hard just starring at her in there when all I wanted to do was hold her. She was under the lights all day and night Wednesday. I stayed with her so I could feed her. The nurses really pushed me to pump and give her a bottle, but we were having a lot of latching issues as it was and I didn't want to screw up what progress we had made. They weren't thrilled with me staying, but I wasn't there to please them, I was there to take care of my daughter. The one nurse was a real treat. When we brought Lexi in I had her in CD and they had to take it off to weigh her. The nurse handed it to me with a discussed look on her face and said, "We don't use these here. They're too unsanitary." If I had been in any other state of mind I would have slapped a bitch, but I was too upset over Lexi to give her a second thought. It makes me want to go back and slap her now, though! Lol

Thursday morning our Pedi saw her and took her out of the Billy lights, but she had to stay the day for observation. She had 3 blood draws that day at 6am, 12, and 5pm. They all came back at 14. So, since they didn't go up at all and were holding steady, we got to go home for good. What a relief!

Recovery for the c-section hasn't been too bad. The first three day I had a lot of pain and it was pretty hard to get around. The one pain killer they gave me through the IV made me super itchy and the only thing they offered to give me for the itching was Benadryl. I didn't want to take it, though, because it knocks me right out and I didn't want to be any more tired than I already was. After I was off the IV the nurses got pretty stingy with the pain killers, and I was even only on Motrin. I felt like I had to justify my pain every time I asked for one. The fourth day, though, I started feeling 10 times better. After that, it's gotten better each day.

And now some pics for my sweet little Lexi!

In the car seat all ready to go home from the hospital


Under the Billy lights :(


FX for good buillruben numbers!


My favorite pic so far! How can you not love that face?


Lots of Love,


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Birth Story

Short version: Alexis Grace was born on Friday, June 29 at 7:27am via scheduled c-section. She weighed 7lbs 6.6oz and was 20 1/2 in long. She scored a 9/9 on her apgars.

Long version: We went to the hospital at 5:00am on the 29th to get prepped for our scheduled c-section. Our little Lexi was breach, so my doctor felt this was the safest way for her to come. Once we got there they took us back to a L&D room to get prepped. I put on my gown, they hooked me up to an IV, gave me some meds, and I was ready to go. We had to wait for a while for for the doctor's to get ready, and that was one of the worst part, just the anticipation.

Once we got started, everything went very smoothly. DH held my hand and little Lexi made her big entrance but first at 7:27am. The first time I heard her cry I was like, wow! That's my baby! They cleaned her up and checked her out first. She weighed 7lbs6.6oz and was 20 1/2 in long. She scored a 9 on her apgers. Once they had her wrapped up, they brought her over to us and DH got to hold her. She was so beautiful! He went with her to the nursery while I was getting stitch back up. 

The actual c-section part was probably the weirdest. I had a spinal, so half of my body was numb, from my chest down. I didn't even know when the actual surgery started. There was a girl sitting with me behind the curtain telling me what was going on and at one point she peeked over and said, "Oh, I guess they started!"

Recovery the first two days was pretty rough. The third day was better and by the forth day, when we got to go home, I was feeling 10 times better. I still have pain around my incision, but I'm getting around the house pretty well. I have more pain on the right then the left. One of the nurses said it's pretty common because the doctor stands on the right during surgery and usually tugs more on that side.

Even with all the pain, though, Lexi makes it all worth it. I love getting to know her. She has a lot of my facial features and is built like DH. She makes the cutest little squeaks and coos. I'm completely in love! She developed a bit of jaundice towards the end of our hospital stay, so we're feeding a lot and spending some time in the sun. Hopefully that will clear it up quickly. The breast feeding had been going ok. We're having some latching issues, but we're working on it. It's definitely helping with the weight loss. I've lost 27lbs since Friday! Of coarse, 7 of that was Lexi, but still. I put her in her first cloth diaper today. I'm so excited to finally use them!

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Lots of Love,
