Friday, November 29, 2013

17 Months!

17 months! That seems so old! I have an almost one and a half year old :) 

Lots of stuff has been going on this month! Lexi's big milestones are running and pretend play. This girl runs all over the house and she's a quick little thing! Her favorite is running around necked after her bath! lol I have to literally catch her to put her diaper and pj's on. 

She's also been doing a lot of pretend play, which is cute to watch. She offers her sippy to her Daniel Tiger and Little People dolls. I made a little bed out of one of her small shoe boxes for her Daniel Tiger, and she'll "put him to bed" and tuck him in with a little blanket. Adorable!! We play Little People a lot together and she mimics my play with them. It's funny, the one we call "Mommy Doll" does a lot of play laundry! Haha Guess what chore I do the most! For Christmas KJ and I got her a play kitchen from IKEA (where else!), so I think that will be really good to promote more pretend play. 

Lexi got her two left side molars this month. Boy was that fun! I thought the two on the right might be next, but they haven't made any progress in a couple weeks. Now it looks like either her canine or bicuspid on the bottom left is going to pop through next. 10 teeth total so far.

Now that Lexi is 17 months, the terrible twos are starting. Yeah, contrary to the name, the TT actually start closer to one and a half than two. Once they hit two, it's actually supposed to get better. I hear three is a real be-otch, though. Anyways, the tantrums are starting and they are becoming more frequent as the days pass. I've been really trying to stick to what I read in The Happiest Toddler On The Block, using toddler-eez and feeding the meter and whatnot. Some days are better than others, but I just keep reminding myself that it's a phase and it won't always be like this. *sigh* 

In an effort to teach Lexi manors, I taught her the sign for "please". She's still not talking, and sometimes she can get very demanding with her pointing and "Da-Da-Da!" So, when she starts getting demanding I ask her, "Can you say please?" And she rubs her chest and smiles. I'm trying to tech her the sign for "thank you", but she's not getting as easily as she did "please".

Lexi also loves to play hide and seek. She'll run away some where and giggle, and then I'll say, "Where's Lexi? Is she over here? Where did she go?" She'll stay hidden for a good couple minuets and the she'll run out giggling! 

Lexi is also a good helper around the house. She like to help me empty the dish washer. She'll pull out each piece of silver wear one by one and hand them to me to put away. Then she'll hand me each bowl and plate. We haven't broken any... Yet! After bath time at night she likes to help put her lotion on. She takes it from my hand and rubs it on her belly. She's getting really good at naming all of her body parts. I'll ask her where one is and she'll point to it. She gets shoulders and but mixed up and chin and chest mixed up. I can understand the chin and chest, but I have no idea why when I ask her where her shoulders are she pats her but! Silly girl! 

As I mentioned before, she's still not talking. She babbles all day, but no real words. She still says "No" and she's gotten better about calling KJ "Dad" or "Da-da" rather than just saying is nonsensely. Some times she'll kind of say "Mum" or "Mum-mum", but it doesn't usually seem directed at me. Sometimes it'll sound like she said a word or a phrase, but it's hard to tell if it was on purpose or just luck. These are usually one time occurrences. The other day I thought she said "cup" and "dog", but haven't heard them since.   

 Monthly pictures didn't go really well this time around. Every time I pointed the camera at her she cried :/

Lots of Love,

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Well that says it all right there. Not pregnant. For a whole day I thought for sure I was pregnant. Yesterday morning I got a shadow line on a wondof right about the ten minuet mark. It was one of those, you had to squint your eyes and hold it in just the right light at a certain angle to see it. But it was there.

I'm not crazy, right?? It's hard to see, but it's there, right??

So all day yesterday I had it in my head that I was pregnant. Of corse I immediately felt crampy and sort of more "full" in the ute area. I wasn't just maybe pregnant, I was definitely pregnant! And all I had to do was wait until this morning to test again to get a for real BFP. I was so confident, I dipped not just a wondof for testing, but an expired Clear Blue Easy, too.

Big old BFN's on both. Not even a hint of a shadow line on the wondof. 

So, I either had a very short lived CP or I got my very first evap line of some sort. I'm bummed. I have no idea what's going on in there. The only time I've ever made it past 10dpo is when I've been pregnant and I'm 13dpo today. I even took an OPK today because I read somewhere you could use one as an HPT. It popped up positive right away. So... Am I ovulating again? Or do I have like 5 HCG that's making it pop? Ugh, I wish I just knew one way or the other. I'm making myself crazy!!

I need to stop testing and take a step back. Even if I was pregnant yesterday, I'm not today.

Lots of Love,

Friday, November 1, 2013

Put down the peesticks and back away slowly...

Seriously, someone needs to take these things away from me. I want to pee on them all! Lol 

*sigh* So I'm 11dpo and I'm not pregnant. I've been testing all week and I should have gotten a BFP by now if I was going to get one. I'm honestly questioning if I O'd at all. I definitely geared up to, but my temps have been weird. They went up at first, like they're supposed to, but then they went down for a few days, and not in the implantation day  dip range. FF even took my CHs away for a while. Now they're back up an I don't really know why. I think my hormones are all messed up due to BFing still. Lexi caught a cold this week and so she's been wanting to nurse more that normal. 

So here are the options of what could potentially be going on:

1) My body tried to, but I didn't really O. My temps and hormones are all funky from BF. My body might try to O again, AF might show up finally, or I'm just in PP-BFing limbo. Waiting for Godot, if you will... 

2) I did O. The BFing is throwing my hormones and temps off. I am pregnant and will get a BFP in a day or two, but it'll end in a CP because I don't have enough progesterone (low temps mean low progesterone and high estrogen). BFing makes progesterone fluctuate a lot with milk production and let downs, and due to my MTHFR, I'm lacking in it to begin with.

3) I did O. The BFing is throwing my temps and hormones off. I am not pregnant, just having an awesomely long LP (my longest ever was 10 days. Before my D&C I was usually at 9 days, after I was at 7 days). I will get AF on Nov 6 giving me a perfect 15 day LP.

Right now I think #3 might be the best case scenario. Or #1 with trying to O again. But with my luck, I'm probably in PP-BFing limbo. Only time will tell, right?

Lots of Love,