Monday, September 29, 2014

Lexi-Pie - My Little Toddler

I'm going to start doing quarterly updates on Lexi. Since she's getting older she's not hitting a new milestone every month like when she was a baby. We're in toddler land now! 

Summer obsession: bubbles... seriously, this kid wants to blow bubbles for freaking hours...
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Helping unload the dishwasher
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So, since Lexi turned two in June she has been a busy little girl (not a big girl because as she says, "I still little"). We've been going to the park a lot to jog and play. Social situations have actually taken a huge step back this summer. She had been doing pretty well, still shy, but she was ok with being around and playing with other kids. But then we had a couple play ground incidents where some random little kid ran up to Lexi and screamed in her face for no reason. It happened once with KJ and once with me. I seriously hate other kids sometimes. When it happened with me it scared her so badly the poor girl just clung to me for dear life and balled her eyes out. Since then she's literally been terrified when she sees another kid at the play ground. I think she expects every kid to be scary now like those two little a-holes were. I've talked to her so many times about how it's ok to be nervous, but that most kids are really nice. And that I know she got scared, but mommy and daddy were there and she always safe with us. I feel so bad for her and I really don't know what to do. I know avoiding social situations is not going to make it better, but it's always such a disaster when we go out and try to play. She's fine with adults and older kids, but with kids her age or size she just looses it. It make me sad. :(

A new love: parades! She loves, loves parades and asks to go to one at least once a week!
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Running beside the stroller because she wants to "run like mommy does" :D Love that!!
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For her birthday Lexi got the movie Frozen... We are officially Frozen obsessed! She seriously can't get enough of this movie. She "sings" all the songs and acts out different parts. She loves to knock on the door and does the whole "do you want to build a snowman" bit. It's freaking adorable!! I got her a set of plush Anna and Elsa dolls and she's in love with them. They sleep with her every night. When we play she's always Anna and I'm Elsa.

Looking at herself in the mirror with her Anna doll
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For Lexi's Halloween costume, I asked her a bunch of times what she wanted to dress up as. I didn't want her to say one thing, I make her costume, and then have her decide she wanted to be something else. So first she wanted to be Daniel, then Katerina, then she finally settled on Anna. I really like how her costume turned out! I spent about $13 on the material and trim, so less than it would have been to buy one, and this way when every other girl is dressed up like Anna or Elsa she'll look a little different. :) 

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First French braids!
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She's really gotten into playing dress up in the past couple weeks. She has a Tinkerbelle shirt and I got her a green tutu to wear with it, so she says she looks like Tink. She also loves her Ariel shirts. I found one at a yard sale that she calls her sparkle Ariel shirt and asks to wear it just about every day. That was $2 well spent! 

The Tinkerbelle outfit
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My little tree hugger in her sparkle Ariel shirt. This shirt gets a lot of wear!
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Lexi continues to love books. I've read some to her so many times that she has them memorized. She'll sit and "read" them to herself now and recite them pretty close to word for word! I love that she loves to read. I'm really trying to nurture that love so it continues when she gets into school. (Not this year, probably next fall we'll start her in preschool a couple days a week)

Lexi got this doll house for her 1st birthday, but only really started playing with it recently. She loves it now!
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Other things, she learned how to pick her nose shortly after her birthday. So, now I'm constantly saying "don't pick your nose" and "get your finger out of your nose". She's a little parrot and repeats pretty much everything I say. Her favorite phrase right now is "don't worry, I promise". She also imitates Daniel Tiger a lot. She pretends to be mad and grrr, or wants to "twirl like Katareina does", or wants to rub noses and say "ugga mugga". She's working on dressing and undressing herself. She can take her jacket and shoes off, sort of pull her pants up, and put her shirt on and off. 

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We're heading towards potty training. Lexi is starting to show a lot of the readiness signs, so I think it's time we get more serious about it. Right now we talk a lot about using the potty and practice when she asks to. We have a couple potty books. Princess of the Potty is a good one. It explains step by step how to use the potty, which some of the other books just kind of glaze over it, which isn't terribly helpful. She has yet to actually pee on the potty and doesn't always want to sit on it when I suggest it. So, I'm reading up about it and trying to come up with a game plan. The more I think about it the more I think it will be easier to PT before baby boy comes and deal with possible regression, than to wait and PT after he gets here.

Singing "The Elsa song" (Let it Go) on her "stage" with her "microphone" (the top of my turkey baster lol)
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Lexi has been asking for weeks to go to the zoo (thanks DT!) so we all went to the Pittsburgh Zoo on mine and KJ's anniversary. The carousel was the highlight of the trip!
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A very tired momma and a happy Lexi :)
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Lexi is bigger than a 3 month old rhinoceros! 
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Lots of Love,

Thursday, September 18, 2014

24 weeks! It's V-day!

Baby boy is 24 weeks! We have reach viability day! It feels really good to reach such an important milestone. :) 

6 Months baby!
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My app on the 8th went well... That is, when I remembered to go to it. I sort of forgot about it! Oops! The 8th was a Monday and the weekend before some good friends of ours got married. KJ was a groomsman so all that week leading up to it I was thinking wedding, wedding, wedding. In the back of my mind I knew I had an app on Monday, but I woke up that morning and thought, "It's a beautiful day, we have nothing to do, let's go to the park to jog and play!" So that's what Lexi and I did! We had just finished jogging and I was pushing Lexi on the swings, and my phone rang.... It was of course the doctor's office calling to see if I had forgotten about my app. Oops! I felt terrible! I was hoping they would have me come in that afternoon instead or maybe the next day, but nope! They wanted me to come in right then! Ugh, the park is only a couple minuets away, so Lexi and I went to my app. Me sweaty, unshowered, and in my workout clothes, and Lexi in her dingy play clothes. Not my best moment... I feel like I need to dress extra nice at my next app to make up for it! But other than that, baby boy's HB sounded good and my fundal height was on track.

The aches and pains of pregnancy are starting to set in. It was right around 24w with Lexi that they started, so not surprising. Things are just going to get more uncomfortable from here! Joy! My belly is heavy. It's hard to get comfortable to sleep. I'm constantly warm. My feet and hands are starting to swell. I hate all pants except yoga pants. I get out of breath walking up and down the stairs. Oy.

But, baby boy seems to be doing good. He kicks and moves around a lot. Last week he kind of gave me a scare. He's usually very active in the evening after Lexi is in bed. Well, last Wednesday I barely felt him move all evening and the morning and afternoon were about the same. I still felt a little kicks here and there, but nothing like it had been. Friday morning I woke up really early because I just couldn't sleep, so I had some breakfast and laid down to see if I could feel him. I felt 10 kicks in 10 minuets, no problem, so that really put my mind more at ease. I have anterior placenta, so I know that can make it harder to feel him in certain positions. I've checked on him with the Doppler a few times and he's still chugging along at 149. 

22w2d at the wedding
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How far along? 24 weeks

Total weight gain: 16lbs *le sigh*

Maternity clothes? Shirts yes. Pants depend. I mostly wear yoga pants, but if I feel like I need to look "dressed" I do jeans. If I know I'm going to be sitting a lot I wear maternity jeans because they're more comfortable. The thing I hate about them is that they sag which bugs the crap out of me and I constantly have to pull them up. If I'm going to be walking or standing a lot I wear my "fat jeans" with a belly band because they stay up better. They are pretty uncomfortable to sit in, though. I can't win.

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: I'm sleeping ok, but some nights it's hard to get comfortable. Sometimes I wake up laying on my back, which makes me nervous. I don't want to cut off his circulation accidentally.

Best moment this month: Every moment with my healthy little boy is the best :)

Miss Anything? My figure 

Movement: Lots! Baby boy loves to kick! He's a wild man some nights!

Food cravings: Cheese, chocolate

Anything making you queasy or sick: My prenatal when I don't eat enough with them.

Gender prediction: Still boy :)

Labor Signs: none

Symptoms: Lots of movement, my growing belly

Belly Button in or out? In, but getting flatter

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but tired

Looking forward to: The 3rd tri :)

Next app: Oct 6

Lots of Love,