Friday, January 27, 2012

A Song for my Angels

Today is one year since my first EDD. I'm so incredibly grateful for the LO growing inside of me, but I will anyways love and miss my angels. This is for you, sweet little ones. Mommy loves you.

Never Let Go 

Just lay down, and let your worry sleep
Don't think now, of waters dark and deep

Cuz you know that I love you and never let go
And you know that I love you forever
Love you and never let go

Just cry out, yeah I've cried those tears before
Well I can feel it now, as your tear drops hit the floor

'Cus you know that I love you and never let go
And you know that I love you forever
Love you and never let go
Yes I love you and never let go

You don't have to ask me do I love you
As I hold you it says how much I do
I'm yours until forever is though
Every time I stand before you
I know I'd lay my life down for you
I'll never let, I'd never let go

Just lay down, put your worry thoughts to bed
As slumber pulls you down, let my shoulder rest your head

'Cus you know that I love you and never let go
Yeah you know that I love you forever
Love you and never go
Yes I love you and never let go

Never let go...
I'll never let go...

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Four Months

I am four months pg!! Woo hoo! We hit 16 weeks on Sunday (1-22). I definitely think I popped over the weekend. There's no more hiding this belly! I'm officially in maternity clothes, which is exciting. I feel like this means I'm REALLY pg now.

I'm having some jeans issues, though. I bought one pair of the secret panel jeans in a medium from Motherhood. The panel part fits well and I like it because it smooths everything out, but the bottom part tends to sag. They're like stretchy jeans that rely on your thighs to keep them up, which I didn't realize. I don't like tight things on my thighs, so I purposely bought them a size bigger to be more loose and comfortable in that area. So, while they're comfortable to sit in, they sag when I stand and walk around. To fix this problem, I thought I'd get a pair of the under-the-belly jeans. So, I went back to Motherhood and got a small pair. These ones fit really well in the legs, not tight on my thighs, my but looks good, and they don't sag. However, the elastic band part is really tight. Like super uncomfortable, hello-muffin-top-I-haven't-seen-you-in-five-years tight. They were a little tight in the store when I tried them on, but I thought they'd stretch out like the other pair did. I can't win! I'm sitting here, frustrated and uncomfortable, and I can't wait to get home and take these damn things off. I almost want to take the two pairs apart and put the panel part on the small legs. They only thing that's stopping me though, is if it doesn't work the way I want it to, I don't want to ruin $60 worth of jeans (that I paid full price for!). I just want to be comfortable and look good. Is that too much to ask?? Enough about my clothing problems.

Two weekends ago we "came out" and it was the scariest thing I've ever done in my life. It went well and I wasn't expecting a bad reaction, but I was so scared that we'd tell and then something would go wrong. I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of the doppler! I used it every day for a week after we told everyone. So nerve wracking! We gave each of the grandmas-to-be a picture and a count down calendar.

We told my parents first and both my mom and dad were very happy for us. This will be the first grandchild on this side. Next we told FIL and KJ's step mom and we got the best reaction from her. She was over the moon thrilled! They were just so happy for us and it made me feel great! This will be the first grandchild on this side, too. Step mom said she's already stared on a baby quilt. Last we told MIL and KJ's step dad. Now, if you remember from previous posts, step dad is a real douchcanoe. MIL opened up the picture first and didn't really get it so she showed it to step dad. The first thing that came out of he mouth was, "Well that can't be (SIL) because she's not married." Ok, #1 what does being married have to do with having a baby? And #2 why the hell would we be giving them a picture of SIL????? He's such an idiot! Anyways, once MIL understood what we were telling her she was very happy. I wish we could have just told her by herself, but what's done is done. Everyone knows now, we even came out on FB, and LO still has a HB, so things are going well.

Here's our four month bump picture. First we tried going with snowflakes for January, and even though Colby-Jack made it a pretty cute picture, it looked silly. KJ suggested a scarf instead, and I thought that looked much better.

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good Day Sunshine

We had our NT scan this afternoon and things could not have gone better! We got to see our little munchkin swimming around in there, which was just awesome. S/he is really starting to look like a baby rather than a cute little blob. Our u/s tech was very nice and she pointed out a bunch of things. We got to see the spine, heart, brain, little footsies and hands. LO was kicking away in there, so that should be fun in a few more weeks! Before we started the scan, the tech was a little worried because we were going in so late. My doctor is going by my LMP which makes me 13w5d instead of going by my O date which makes me 13w3d. The tech said if LO measured too big they wouldn't be able to get an accurate reading for the NT. S/he was actually measuring ahead at 14w, but going by length we were still ok for the test. I'm still not sure how that worked out, but I'll take it. She also wasn't allowed to tell us the measurement, so we'll get those results with the b/w back in a week or so. When she took neck measurement I saw on the screen .7something, but that just seemed too small. I've read anything under 3 is good, but that the bigger they grow the bigger the measurment is. So, we'll just have to wait and see. For now, I'm just happy we got to see LO growing and kicking away! I'm so incredible grateful!

I guess I can't officially call myself in the 2nd tri now!

Here's our little munchkin!!

After our scan KJ and I went out to dinner to celebrate. We went to Olive Garden and had an amazing dinner. After Christmas KJ was on the search for a tablet and the one he wanted everyone was out of. Thanks to Google shopping, though, we found out Toys R Us sold it and still had some in stock (who knew they sold electronics like that??). When we went to but it we also found out they were running a special, buy any tablet over $250 and get a $50 gift card back. Awesome deal! So KJ got his tablet and I got $50 free! Anyways, after dinner we went to Toys R Us to use my gift card. So fun! I found a nice diaper bag, a towl and washcloth set, and a rattle. It felt so good to buy things and know that I'll actually get to use them in the near future. It was a wonderful day!

Oh and we also stopped at Old Navy and found another cute Christmas out fit on clearance.

Good day sunshine!

Lots of Love,

PS. We have out anatomy scan scheduled for February 6!! It's hard to believe in a months time we'll be able to find out if LO is a boy or girl!