Thursday, April 23, 2015

I Think I'll go to Boston

I've decide I'm going to run the Boston marathon. On Monday I was sitting on the couch nursing Evan, trying to eat lunch, and was watching the stream of the marathon on my phone. KJ's cousin was running it and I was watching him finish. He's an awesome runner. He started with the first group (read: fastest runners in the world) of runners and finished in the top 400 out of 3500. Seriously awesome. But then I thought... Why couldn't I do that? Not at that world class level I mean, just in general... What's stopping me from running a marathon? Nothing. So, I'm going to do it. Not this year, not next year... I have a ways to go to get in that kind of shape. I know a marathon would require a lot of serious training. But maybe in 5 years? Why not? 

I'm turning 30 this year... In just a couple weeks actually. (How the hell did that happen??) I keep thinking about what I was doing five years ago... I was about to turn 25 and was trying to get pregnant for the first time. Then I spent the majority of the next five years trying to get and stay pregnant. That's all I really did. It was all consuming. I wanted two kids by 30, and I'm blessed to have reached that goal and am happy to close that chapter. Now I'm thinking... What about the next five years? What about the next ten years? What do I want to do by the I'm 40? I certainly don't want to be sitting on the couch thinking 'why can't I do that?'...

So, I'm going to do it. I realize it's very competitive to get into Boston, but what's to stop me from at least trying to make qualifying time? Both the Erie and Pittsburgh marathons are qualifying races, so getting to those would be no problem. I already had the goal of doing a half next year. I had planned on doing 5ks and 10ks this year and then start training for a half next spring. I actually had just decided to train for a half last spring, then the next day I got pregnant with Evan, so that had to be put on hold. So in two years, 2017, why not start training for a full marathon? This is doable!

I've had a lot of dreams, most of which I've realized are unattainable, but this, this marathon goal, is totally attainable. I can do this. I will do this. In five years I will be running marathons with the goal of getting to Boston.

"I think I'll got to Boston, I think I'll start a new life, I think I'll start over where no one knows my name... I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of the sunset, I hear it's nice in the summer, some snow would be nice... Oh yeah..."

Here's to the next five years!

Lots of Love, 

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