Monday, March 3, 2014

Spring, Where are You?!?

I'm so ready for winter to be over! I know everyone pretty much feels that way around here, but seriously... I want to get my run on and the treadmill doesn't really do it for me. I want to run for miles, not minutes. I also need to loose these 5lbs that are still hanging around after the holidays. I'm not a tall person, so 5lbs on me is the difference between my pants fitting and having to buy new ones. 

On the TTC front, we're on cycle #5. My doctor's app is on the 27th, so I will most likely be on cd4 of cycle #6 by then. My LP's so far have been 5, 7, 8, and 8. If I could just get one more day I would feel so much better. I got pregnant twice with a 9 day LP, so if I could just get that far I feel like my chances of getting pregnant again would be a lot higher. This past 2ww I tortured myself and lurked on the Nov BMB, like, every single day. *sigh* We have one more shot at a 2014 baby, and then it's on to busy, busy 2015 (two big family weddings planed already). But hey, let's stay positive. I'll take what ever baby The Lord wants to give me in His timing.

My sister's pregnancy is going well. She had her anatomy scan a couple weeks ago and everything looked good. What a relief!! She was measuring almost a week ahead (baby had been measuring two weeks behind at her first u/s), so that was good news. Her EDD got moved to 7/14, the day before her birthday, coincidentally. She's having a girl, so that's exciting! A little girl cousin for Lexi to play with :) Lexi and I are going to help her register later this week, fun fun!! And I'm also talking up the cloth diapers to her ;) You know me, I can't resist!

KJ's job is going really well. After him switch around jobs so much in the past two years, it's nice that this one is treating him well. He put in a lot of overtime during the holidays in order to get a big project done and they gave him a nice bonus last week for it! Time to go shopping! Lol No, he did give me a little extra spending cash, but I honestly don't know what to buy with it. I'll probably save it until I find something I want. That would be the responsible thing to do, right? Not waste it on something silly, wait it out until I see something good. 

Ooo, speaking of shopping I found the cutest, sweetest Easter dress for Lexi the other day at Kohls. Omg I just fell in love with it! It's too stinking cute!! We have a couple weddings to go to this spring/ summer, so she can wear it for those, too. I can't wait for spring!

Squee! I'm totally in love with this dress!

Lots of Love,

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